

This week, I started a new job at my university. As of Thursday, I’m the new assistant director for equal opportunity, access, and Title IX coordination. This job will be an interesting challenge for me, as it will be one of the few times I’ve worked outside of student affairs. Not only that, but I’ll be conducting investigations, leading our Equity Advisor program, making sure our hiring practices are equitable across the university, leading trainings, and making sure our institution is compliant with federal regulations like the ADA.

I’ve spent more than 20 years in higher education, and I’ve learned so much over my career. I’ve worked at two-years, four-years, public and private universities, and even a private housing company. But one thing I’ve never done in my career before now is move to a different department in the same institution. Saying goodbye comes anytime you leave a job, but it’s different when you’re just moving upstairs. I’ll miss the day-to-day conversations with my old colleagues, but I won’t have to rely on social media to keep up with them.

Another positive to moving upstairs is that I don’t have to carry the same level of first-day jitters. I knew most of the people in my new office space. That made things so much nicer. Everyone is friendly and welcoming, but they’re not meeting me for the first time. Odds are good they’ve already heard that I’m a dork who works really hard.

The only nerve-wracking thing about moving upstairs is that I’ve left the Dean’s Office and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Office for the Chancellor’s Suite. The Chancellor, himself, is on the other side of the office. I haven’t seen him since starting my new role, but I’m sure our paths will cross at some point.

So, that’s what I’ve been up to. What about you?

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