Closer Than You Know


A while back I had reported that Closer Than You Know was named a finalist in the Colorado Gold Rush Literary Awards. This morning, I found out that I won!

That’s right, Closer Than You Know won the award in the women’s fiction, romance category!

I have to admit that I am absolutely in shock. I love this book. I wanted to write about a world I know by focusing on Charlie’s story as a professor at a small university and how things are thrown into disarray when a murderer sets his sights on her. And of course, there’s the romance between Brian, the detective investigating her case.

Writing this book meant a lot to me, but I had no idea that it would get this sort of recognition. I feel like I’m an okay writer, but I have worked hard to get here. I’ve taken classes, written several unpublished things, and let others critique my work so that I could lean and grow. And it’s paid off. WHICH IS CRAZY!

I’m hopeful that this award will play well into the query process and that I’ll be able to get both an agent and a publisher and that you all will get a chance to read it soon enough. My hope is that you’ll come to love Charlie and Brian just as much as I do.

Closer Than You Know

Pardon Me, There Seems to be Something in My Eye

Yesterday, I met up with my writing mentor for our weekly check in. She’s currently about two-thirds of the way through my book, and as always, she’s offered me some great advice for how to strengthen Closer Than You Know.

But then she said something that hit me right in the feels. She said she’s planning to attend my book release party because she has no doubt that Closer Than You Know will be published.

BRB. Got something in my eye. Gonna go ugly cry for a bit.

I’ve been writing my whole life, but it’s been about 13 years since I first sat down and said, “I’m going to write a book” and then actually did just that. And while that book hasn’t seen the light of day, knowing that the past 13 years of working hard to improve my skills is close to paying off is…well, it’s a lot.

Go me.

Closer Than You Know

Closer Than You Know

In March of this year, I finished writing my third novel, Closer Than You Know, a romantic romantic suspense that follows Brian and Charlie.

Brian is a detective who’s been called in to find a missing college student. In tracing her footsteps, he meets her English professor, Charlie, and sparks fly. When Charlie becomes the next target, Brian vows to keep her safe. The case brings the two together, and while Brian tries to remain professional, he can’t help but fall for the beautiful professor as he races to find a killer before it’s too late.

Closer Than You Know is a multi-year labor of love. I started writing it in the fall of 2019 but got distracted writing my second Kath and Smith novel. When I came back to it in 2021, I completely gutted what I had originally written. Charlie and Brian were no longer exes brought back together as someone is trying to abduct Charlie. What I have now is so much better, and it’s not just me.

I’ve been sharing my novel with my critique group. One member said that she could see how much my writing has improved from when she first read Last Breath. Every time we meet, I hear phenomenal ideas for how to improve, as well as compliments about the story.

But that’s not all.

In June, I learned that I had been selected to participate in the Romance Writers of America’s Romance Author Mentorship Program. Romantic suspense author Jennifer Bokal is helping me revise my manuscript this summer. She’ll also help me create all of my query materials (query letter, synopsis, pitch), because in October, I’ll have an opportunity to pitch my novel to prospective agents to see if one would be interested in representing me. I’ll also get to attend a one-day conference on self-publishing if I decide to go that route.

Working with Jen is amazing. She loves Closer Than You Know and has been making great recommendations for how I can improve my writing and tighten up the story. We meet weekly to talk about what she’s read and plan what to work on next. Trust me, she is definitely getting a huge shoutout on my acknowledgements page.

But the good news doesn’t end there.

Late last week, I learned that Closer Than You Know was selected as a finalist in Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Colorado Gold Rush Literary Awards Contest for Women’s Fiction, Romance. In September, during RMFW’s annual conference, I’ll find out if it’s a winner. I know I’m up against some strong competition, and whoever wins will deserve the honors. I’m just excited to be a finalist.

So that’s everything Closer Than You Know as of today. I will definitely post updates as they come, because I am so excited to share this thrilling love story will you all.